6 Effective Ways an OBM Can Reduce Your Frustrations in Your Business
How an OBM Can Help You in Your Business
An Online Business Manager (OBM) is a virtual rockstar who makes sure that the right THINGS get done at the right TIME, by the right PEOPLE in the right WAY. We are a business owner’s virtual BFF. (Source: Sarah Noked of OBM School)
Following are six (6) ways an OBM is able to help reduce the stress in a business owner’s day-to-day operations. When you work with an OBM, your package is customized to what is needed in your business, and not a cookie-cutter package with items you may or may not need.
Let’s dive into those areas of efficiency!
Business Systems
Struggle: You have some processes in place. They work, sometimes, if you remember to send that email on time. The process is all in your head, but you do not have it written down anywhere.
Solution: An OBM can help you manage your Business Systems and make sure all systems are 1) in place and running efficiently; 2) written in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); 3) automated where possible; and 4) provide you with a SOP Master Log showing you all your processes, their statuses, if they are automated or manual, who is responsible for that SOP, when they were created, last updated, and next review date. This Master Log will also have the SOPs linked so you can go directly to any SOP you are searching for from one document. Organization at its finest! For more information on Business Systems, check out my blog on “Why Systems are so Important in Your Business” here. You may also want to read about “How to Onboard New Clients” here.
Operation Management
Struggle: There are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done. You have team members to check in with, you have meetings to schedule and attending, emails to read and reply to, social media to promote, Facebook Groups to check and comment on, the list goes on and on.
Solution: An OBM helps you manage your day-to-day tasks so you can focus on your zone of genius. Whether that be coaching with your clients, or speaking to an audience, or focusing on writing you next best-selling novel. Leave the back-end operations to the OBM to manage.
Launch/Product Management
Struggle: You have an excellent product launch coming up and have no idea where to start or how to keep things organized and on track. You know certain things need to happen in a timely fashion, but not sure what those things are or when they need to happen.
Solution: An OBM will help will the management of the launch and track out the pre-launch tasks, during launch tasks, and after launch tasks. This will also be made into a template for you so the next time you have a great launch, you have the tasks to follow so you are not re-inventing the wheel!
Teams Management
Struggle: You have a few up to 10 or so team members and are having a hard time keep tabs on them, making sure everyone is staying on task and on track.
Solution: OBMs are there to help management your teams ensuring all team members are checking in, if they require anything for their job descriptions, and keeping tracking of their hours. One less thing a business owner needs to worry about. You can check out my blog on “Do you Outsource to VAs?” here to learn more about what you can delegate to a VA to help get tasks off your plate.
Social Media Strategy
Struggle: You know you need to promote on social media, but you post here and there, whenever you think about it. Or you post about one thing only and are not getting much response.
Solution: An OBM can help you build a Social Media Strategy and know when and where to post your social media to get the best response from your audience. For example, on Mondays, post inspiration posts on Instagram and Promotional posts on Facebook. On Tuesday post business articles on LinkedIn and Tips/Hacks on Instagram. And so on for each day and each platform that you post. Then your Social Media Manager will create your posts in batches for your approval and schedule these post to save time.
Metrics Tracking
Struggle: You have your website, you post on social media, you write blogs, but have no idea if anyone is looking at them.
Solution: An OBM will tracking the Metrics (KPIs) you agree are important to help you know where your traffic is coming from, which keywords are working, or not, which in turn will let you know what needs to be switched up. Metrics tracking helps identify leaks in revenue, helps keep goals on track, and where to redirect focus.
To summarize, the following are some ways an OBM can help you in your business:
- Business Systems
- Operations Management
- Launch/Products Management
- Teams Management
- Social Media Strategy
- Metrics Tracking
If you would like to connect and discuss more about how an OBM can help you, please check out my website and fill out my contact form. You can find my contact details below.
If you need help getting your chaos in order, please schedule a FREE Discovery Call with me. I would love to hear from you and learn more about you and your business. I am an Online Business Manager, managing the overall process, turning your chaos into orderly, logical calm through business systems and automation and managing your back-end operations.
“Let’s make a difference in the world… together.”
-Sharon Blalock